The Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church decided to revive or found seven new bishoprics within the Romanian Patriarchate.

          In the Metropolitan Seat of Bessarabia they decided to revive the Bishopric of Bălţi - formerly of Hotin -, located in the town of Bălţi; the Bishopric of Southern Bessarabia - formerly Cetatea Albă - Ismail -, located in the town of Cantemir; the Orthodox Bishopric of Dubăsari and of the entire Transnistria – formerly the Romanian Orthodox Mission to Transnistria -, located in Dubăsari (a town of about 36000 inhabitants). These bishoprics had been active in the Metropolitan Seat of Bassarabia before 1944 and now they took the decision to revive them starting from the local reality, as the Romanian Orthodox believers asked for that.
          At the same time, within the Romanian Orthodox Seat of Western and Southern Europe they founded the Romanian Orthodox Bishopric of Spain and Portugal, and within the Romanian Orthodox Metropolitan Seat of Central and Northern Europe they founded the Romanian Orthodox Bishopric of Northern Europe, located in Stockholm. Also the Romanian Orthodox Bishopric of Australia and New Zealand was founded, located in Melbourne, with direct canonical dependence on the Romania Patriarchate. The ever larger number of Romanian Orthodox believers living in these territories brought about these decisions.
          At the same time, the Holy Synod decided to found the Bishopric of Zalău, Silvania and Sălaj, located in the city of Zalău, within the Metropolitan Seat of Cluj, Alba, Crişana and Maramureş.


Archbishop of Bucharest and Metropolitan of Muntenia and Dobrudja: His Holiness DANIEL, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church

His Grace Patriarchal Vicar-Bishop VARSANUFIE PRAHOVEANUL
His Grace Patriarchal Vicar-Bishop CIPRIAN CAMPINEANUL


I. Metropolitan Seat of Muntenia and Dobrudja
Metropolitan Seat of Moldova and Bucovina
III. Metropolitan Seat of Ardeal, Covasna and Harghita
IV. Metropolitan Seat of Cluj, Alba, Crişana and Maramureş
Metropolitan of Oltenia
Metropolitan of Banat
B. Diaspora Structures Abroad

I.- Metropolitan Seat of Muntenia and Dobrudja, with the dioceses:

1. ARCHDIOCESE OF BUCHAREST, 1 Intrarea Patriarhiei, Sector 4, Bucharest City, including Bucharest City, llfov and Prahova counties.
Archbishop of Bucharest and Metropolitan of Muntenia and Dobrudja: His Holiness DANIEL, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church:
" Bucharest I District of Archpriest
" Bucharest II District of Archpriest
" Bucharest III District of Archpriest
" Câmpina District of Archpriest
" Ilfov District of Archpriest
" Ploieşti District of Archpriest
" Urlaţi District of Archpriest
" Vălenii de Munte District of Archpriest

2. ARCHDIOCESE OF TOMIS, 23 Arhiepiscopiei Street, Constanta City, Constanta county, including Constanta and Tulcea counties.
Archbishop: His Grace TEODOSIE, Ph. D.
" Constanţa I-st District of Archpriest
" Constanţa II District of Archpriest
" Hârşova District of Archpriest
" Mangalia District of Archpriest
" Medgidia District of Archpriest
" Baneasa District of Archpriest

3. ARCHDIOCESE OF TARGOVISTE, 5-8 Mihai Bravu Street, Targoviste City, cod 130004, Dambovita county, including Dambovita county
Archbishop: His Grace NIFON, Ph. D
" Gaesti District of Archpriest
" Pucioasa District of Archpriest
" Titu District of Archpriest
" Târgovişte North District of Archpriest
" Târgovişte South District of Archpriest

4. ARCHDIOCESE OF BUZAU AND VRANCEA, 3 Aleea Episcopiei, Buzau City, Buzau county, including Buzau and Vrancea counties
" Buzau I District of Archpriest
" Buzau II District of Archpriest
" Focşani I District of Archpriest
" Focşani II District of Archpriest

" Panciu District of Archpriest
" Patârlagele District of Archpriest
" Râmnicul Sărat District of Archpriest

5. DIOCESE OF ARGES AND MUSCEL, 1 Basarabilor Avenue, Curtea de Arges City, Arges county, including Arges county
Bishop: His Grace CALINIC
" Campulung Muscel District of Archpriest
" CostestiDistrict of Archpriest
" Curtea de Argeş District of Archpriest
" Pitesti District of Archpriest

6. DIOCESE OF THE LOWER DANUBE, 104 Domneasca Street, Galati City, Galati county, including Galati and Braila counties
Bishop: His Grace CASIAN, Ph. D.
" Braila District of Archpriest
" Făurei District of Archpriest
" Galaţi District of Archpriest
" Tecuci District of Archpriest
" Târgu Bujor District of Archpriest

7. DIOCESE OF SLOBOZIA AND CALARASI, 2 Episcopiei Street, Slobozia City, Ialomita county, including Ialomita and Calarasi counties
" Calaraşi District of Archpriest
" Feteşti District of Archpriest
" Lehliu District of Archpriest
" Olteniţa District of Archpriest
" Slobozia District of Archpriest
" Urziceni District of Archpriest

8. DIOCESE OF ALEXANDRIA AND TELEORMAN, 15 Carpati Street, Alexandria City, Teleorman county, including Teleorman county
Bishop: His Grace GALACTION
" Alexandria District of Archpriest
" Videle District of Archpriest
" Roşiorii de Vede District of Archpriest
" Turnu Măgurele District of Archpriest

9. DIOCESE OF GIURGIU, including Giurgiu county
Bishop: His Grace AMBROZIE
" Giurgiu District of Archpriest
" Bolintin District of Archpriest
" Hereşti District of Archpriest
" Mihăileşti District of Archpriest

II. Metropolitan Seat of Moldova and Bucovina, with the dioceses:

10. ARCHDIOCESE OF IASI, 16 Stefan cel Mare si Sfant Street, Iasi City, Iasi county, including Iasi, Botosani and Neamt counties
Archbishop of Iasi and Metropolitan of Moldova and Bucovina
Vicar-Bishop of the Archdiocese of Iasi: His Grace Dr. TEOFAN
" Iasi I District of Archpriest
" Iaşi II District of Archpriest
" Botoşani District of Archpriest
" Ceahlău District of Archpriest
" Dorohoi District of Archpriest
" Hârlău District of Archpriest
" Paşcani District of Archpriest
" Piatra Neamţ District of Archpriest
" Roznov District of Archpriest
" Săveni District of Archpriest
" Târgu Neamţ District of Archpriest
" Triseşti District of Archpriest

11. ARCHDIOCESE OF SUCEAVA AND RADAUTI, 2 Vasile Bumbac Street, Suceava City, Suceava county, including Suceava county
Archbishop: His Grace PIMEN
" Campulung Moldovenesc District of Archpriest
" Fălticeni District of Archpriest
" Rădăuţi District of Archpriest
" Suceava District of Archpriest

12. ARCHDIOCESE OF ROMAN AND BACAU, 5 Alexandru cel Bun Street, Roman City, Neamt county, including Bacau county and Roman District of Archpriest, Neamt county
Archbishop: His Grace EFTIMIE
Vicar-Bishop of the Diocese of Roman: His Grace IOACHIM BACAUANUL, Ph. D.
" Bacau Nord District of Archpriest
" Bacău Sud District of Archpriest
" Moineşti District of Archpriest
" Roman District of Archpriest
" Târgu Ocna District of Archpriest

13. DIOCESE OF HUSI, 19 Mihail Kogalniceanu Street, Husi City, Vaslui county, including Vaslui county
Bishop: His Grace IOACHIM
Vicar-Bishop of the Diocese of Husi: His Grace CORNELIU BARLADEANUL
" Barlad District of Archpriest
" Fălciu District of Archpriest
" Huşi District of Archpriest
" Negreşti District of Archpriest
" Vaslui District of Archpriest

III. Metropolitan Seat of Ardeal, Covasna and Harghita, with the dioceses:

Metropolitan of Ardeal, Covasna and Harghita: His Grace LAURENTIU STREZA, Ph. D.

14. ARCHDIOCESE OF SIBIU, 24 Mitropoliei Street, Sibiu City, Sibiu county, including Brasov and Sibiu counties
Archbishop of Sibiu and Metropolitan of Ardeal, Covasna and Harghita: His Grace LAURENTIU STREZA, Ph. D.
Vicar-Bishop of the Archdiocese of Sibiu: His Grace VISARION RASINAREANUL
" Agnita District of Archpriest
" Avrig District of Archpriest
" Sacele District of Archpriest
" Bran-Zarnesti District of Archpriest
" Braşov District of Archpriest
" Făgăraş District of Archpriest
" Mediaş District of Archpriest
" Rupea District of Archpriest
" Sălişte District of Archpriest
" Sibiu District of Archpriest

15. DIOCESE OF COVASNA AND HARGHITA, 5 Patriarhul Miron Cristea Street, Miercurea Ciuc City, Harghita county, including Covasna and Harghita counties
Bishop: His Grace IOAN
" Miercurea Ciuc District of Archpriest
" Sfântul Gheorghe District of Archpriest

IV. Metropolitan Seat of Cluj, Alba, Crişana and Maramureş, with the dioceses:

Metropolitan of Cluj, Alba, Crişana and Maramureş: His Grace ANDREI ANDREICUT , Ph. D.

16. ARCHDIOCESE OF VAD, FELEAC AND CLUJ, 18 Avram Iancu Square, Cluj-Napoca City, Cluj county, including Cluj and Bistrita-Nasaud counties.
Archbishop: His Grace BARTOLOMEU
Vicar-Bishop of the Archdiocese: His Grace IRINEU BISTRITEANUL, Ph. D.
Vicar-Bishop of the Archdiocese: His Grace VASILE SOMESANUL
" Bistrita District of Archpriest
" Cluj I District of Archpriest
" Cluj II District of Archpriest
" Dej District of Archpriest
" Gherla District of Archpriest
" Huedin District of Archpriest
" Năsăud District of Archpriest
" Turda District of Archpriest

17. ARCHDIOCESE OF ALBA IULIA, 16 Mihai Viteazul Street, Alba Iulia City, Alba county, including Alba and Mures counties
Archbishop: His Grace Dr. Andrei Andreicut
" Aiud District of Archpriest
" Alba Iulia District of Archpriest
" Blaj District of Archpriest
" Câmpeni District of Archpriest
" Luduş District of Archpriest
" Reghin District of Archpriest
" Sebeş District of Archpriest
" Sighişoara District of Archpriest
" Târgu Mureş District of Archpriest
" Târnăveni District of Archpriest

18. DIOCESE OF ORADEA, BIHOR AND SALAJ, 3 Episcop Roman Ciorogariu Street, Oradea City, Bihor county, including Bihor and Salaj counties
Bishop: His Grace IOAN, Ph. D.
Vicar-Bishop of the Diocese: PETRONIU SALAJANUL, Ph. D.
" Beius District of Archpriest
" Jibou District of Archpriest
" Marghita District of Archpriest
" Oradea District of Archpriest
" Şimleu District of Archpriest
" Tinca District of Archpriest
" Zalău District of Archpriest

19. ROMANIAN ORTHODOX DIOCESE OF MARAMURES AND SATMAR, 5 Avram Iancu Street, Baia Mare City, Maramures county, including Maramures and Satu Mare counties.
Bishop: His Grace JUSTINIAN
Vicar-Bishop of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Maramures and Satmar: His Grace IUSTIN SIGHETEANUL
" Baia Mare District of Archpriest
" Carei District of Archpriest
" Chioar District of Archpriest
" Satu Mare District of Archpriest
" Sighet District of Archpriest
" Lăpuş District of Archpriest
" Vişeu District of Archpriest

V. Metropolitan of Oltenia, with the dioceses:

20. ARCHDIOCESE OF CRAIOVA, 3 Mitropolitul Firmilian Street, Craiova City, Dolj county, includes Dolj, Gorj and Mehedinti. counties
Metropolitan: His Grace IRINEU POPA, Archbishop of Craiova and Metropolitan of Oltenia
Vicar-Bishop of Archdiocese: His Grace GURIE STREHAIANUL
" Bailesti District of Archpriest
" Craiova Nord District of Archpriest
" Craiova Sus District of Archpriest
" Târgu Cărbuneşti District of Archpriest
" Târgu Jiu District of Archpriest

21. DIOCESE OF RAMNIC, 53 Arges Street, Ramnicu Valcea City, Valcea county, including Valcea county
Bishop: His Grace GHERASIM
Vicar-Bishop of the Diocese of Ramnic: His Grace IRINEU SLATINEANUL, Ph. D.
" Drăgăşani District of Archpriest
" Horezu District of Archpriest
" Râmnicu Vâlcea District of Archpriest

Bishop: His Grace NICODIM
" Baia de Arama District of Archpriest
" Drobeta Turnu Severin Nord Ist District of Archpriest
" Drobeta Turnu Severin Nord II District of Archpriest
" Strehaia District of Archpriest
" Vanju Mare District of Archpriest

Bishop: His Grace Sebastian PAŞCANU
" Caracal District of Archpriest
" Corabia District of Archpriest
" Slatina Ist Sud District of Archpriest
" Slatina II Nord District of Archpriest

VI. Metropolitan of Banat, with the dioceses:

24. ARCHDIOCESE OF TIMISOARA, 7 C.D. Loga Avenue, Timisoara City, Timis county, including Timis county
Archbishop of Timisoara and Metropolitan of Banat: His Grace NICOLAE, Ph. D.
Vicar-Bishop: His Grace Lucian Lugojanul
" Deta District of Archpriest
" Făget District of Archpriest
" Lugoj District of Archpriest
" Timişoara District of Archpriest

25. DIOCESE OF ARAD, IENOPOLA AND HALMAGIU, 60-62.Episcopiei Street, Arad City, Arad county, including Arad and Hunedoara counties
Bishop: His Grace Dr. TIMOTEI
" Arad District of Archpriest
" Brad District of Archpriest
" Deva District of Archpriest
" Haţeg District of Archpriest
" Ineu District of Archpriest
" Lipova District of Archpriest
" Orăştie District of Archpriest
" Petroşani District of Archpriest
" Sebiş District of Archpriest

26. DIOCESE OF CARANSEBES, 11 Mihai Viteazul Street, Caransebes City, Caras-Severin county, including Caras-Severin county
Bishop: His Grace LAURENTIU, Ph. D
" Baile Herculane District of Archpriest
" Caransebes District of Archpriest
" Oravita District of Archpriest
" Resita District of Archpriest

, 2 Grosza Park, Gyula, Hungary
Bishop: His Grace SOFRONIE

THE ROMANIAN ORTHODOX DIOCESE OF VÂRŞEŢ: 60 Zarko Zrenjanin Street, 26300 Vrsac, Serbia and Muntenegru, tel. + 38113811071
Deputy Bishop (manager): His Grace DANIIL

, 12.Bogdan Voda Street, Sighetul Marmatiei - 4925, Maramures county, tel. +4.0262.31.51.14, including the Ukrainian Orthodox parishes in Romania, under the canonical rule of the RomanianPatriarchate.

B. Diaspora Structures Abroad

The religious assistance of Romanian Orthodox faithful and the canonical organization of the diaspora structures abroad is provided by the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church. Currently these diaspora structures include:

Archbishop and Metropolitan: His Grace PETRU

          In the Metropolitan Seat of Bessarabia they decided to revive the Bishopric of Bălţi - formerly of Hotin -, located in the town of Bălţi; the Bishopric of Southern Bessarabia - formerly Cetatea Albă - Ismail -, located in the town of Cantemir; the Orthodox Bishopric of Dubăsari and of the entire Transnistria – formerly the Romanian Orthodox Mission to Transnistria -, located in Dubăsari (a town of about 36000 inhabitants). These bishoprics had been active in the Metropolitan Seat of Bassarabia before 1944 and now they took the decision to revive them starting from the local reality, as the Romanian Orthodox believers asked for that.

Metropolitan: His Grace Dr.SERAFIM
Vicar Bishop: His Grace SOFIAN BRASOVEANUL

Limours, France site: Archbishop and Metropolitan: His Grace IOSIF
Vicar-Bishop of the Metropolitan Seat: His Grace SILUAN

          At the same time, within the Romanian Orthodox Seat of Western and Southern Europe they founded the Romanian Orthodox Bishopric of Spain and Portugal, and within the Romanian Orthodox Metropolitan Seat of Central and Northern Europe they founded the Romanian Orthodox Bishopric of Northern Europe, located in Stockholm. Also the Romanian Orthodox Bishopric of Australia and New Zealand was founded, located in Melbourne, with direct canonical dependence on the Romania Patriarchate. The ever larger number of Romanian Orthodox believers living in these territories brought about these decisions.

(secretariate of Chicago, Office of Boston)
Archbishop: His Grace Nicolae