The Metropolitan Seat of Oltenia (the most important pictures)
The Metropolitan Seat of Moldova and Bucovina The Metropolitan Seat of  Muntenia and Dobrudja The the Metropolitan Seat of Oltenia The Metropolitan Seat of Banat the Metropolitan Seat of Cluj, Alba, Crişana and Maramureş
See the Big map
           Push the left mouse button when hovering over a county to obtain a sample picture of the places of worship from that county. The counties containing a circle and a rotated square are listed in the world heritage list UNESCO. In this case you get a sample picture just by hovering over the county, and by a click you get in a new window the description page for that place of worship.

Of the 18,260 places of worship, about 4500 are listed as historic monuments. of the 4500 listed churches, 23 are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. They include:

The Metropolitan Seat of Transylvania, Crişanei and Maramureş

 "HOREZU MONASTERY (HOREZU)" (County: Vâlcea; Metropolitan Seat of Oltenia)
Valcea Gorj Mehedinti Dolj Olt